by Timothy Ferriss5 min read | March 01, 2020
A step-by-step blueprint to free yourself from the shackles of a corporate job, create a business to fund the lifestyle of your dreams, and live life like a millionaire, without actually having to be one.



"Whenever you find yourself on the side of the majority, it's time to stop and reflect" - Mark Twain

“What information consumes is rather obvious: it consumes the attention of its recipients. Hence a wealth of information creates a poverty of attention, and a need to allocate that attention efficiently among the overabundance of information sources that might consume it.” - Herbert A. Simon

“Creation is a better means of self-expression than possession; it is through creating, not possessing, that life is revealed.” - Visa D. Scudder

"Make mistakes of Ambition and not mistakes of sloth. Develop the strength to do bold things, not the strength to suffer.” - Niccolo Machiavelli

"This is the very perfection of a man, to find out his own imperfection" - Saint Augustine

“Boredom comes as quickly to the traveler who knows his route as to the novelist who is over certain of his plot” - Paul Theroux


  • Reality outside of science and law is negotiable.
  • Freedom multiplier= [What you do] X [When you do it] X [Where you do it] X [With whom you do it]
  • Emphasize strengths, don’t fix weaknesses. Focus on better use of your best weapons instead of constant repair.
  • There is less competition for bigger goals.
  • If the next step is to research - get in touch with someone who knows the answer instead of searching online or spending time in books which can turn into paralysis by analysis. The best first step is finding someone who has done it and asking advice on doing the same. Set up a meeting, a phone call, etc.
  • Parkinson’s Law- Time is wasted in proportion to the amount that is available. Use deadlines to achieve goals and stop them from expanding into available time to complete them.
  • Define a todo list and a not-to-do list.
  • Focus on just in time information instead of just in case information.
  • About Requests: Sentences should have one possible interpretation and be suitable for a second-grade reading level
  • Credibility Indicators make you perceived as an expert.
  • If you can't elaborate a question or act upon it, forget it.
  • Pareto Principle- When in doubt, take a break and 80-20 work and personal relationships.
  • If you don't have attention, you don't have time. Time without attention is worthless. So value attention over time.


  • People don't want to be millionaires, they want to experience what they believe only millions can buy.
  • Most people will choose failure over uncertainty.
  • What are you waiting for? If the answer is the rejected reason of "good timing", the answer is simple. You are afraid, just like the rest of the world.
  • Genius is only a superpower of seeing.


  • What is the pot of gold that justifies spending the best years of your life hoping for happiness in the last?
  • Defining Fear = Conquering fear. Cut through your ambiguous anxiety by defining your worst-case scenario and you won’t be so afraid anymore. What we fear doing most is usually what we need the most to do.
  • It’s important to measure the atrocious cost of inaction/postponement. (Financial, emotional, physical)
  • What 20% of the sources are causing 80% of my problems and unhappiness.
  • What 20% of the sources are causing 80% of my desired outcomes and happiness.

TIPS 💁‍♂️

  • The perfect job for most people is the one that takes the least time. To free time and automate income is important.
  • When you are unable to achieve something, it's not the driver (you) who has reached its limit, it's the vehicle (processes) that have.
  • Opposite of happiness is boredom. Excitement is the more practical synonym for happiness.
  • Living like a millionaire requires doing interesting things and not just owning enviable things.
  • It is imperative that you learn to ignore or redirect all information or interruptions that are irrelevant, unimportant, or un-actionable.
  • Being able to quit things that don't work is integral to being a winner. Going into a project or job without defining when worthwhile becomes wasteful is like going into a casino without a cap on what you will gamble. Dangerous and Foolish.
  • Anti-Vacation- Spend 1 to 6 months in one location before moving to another so you can truly experience it and let it change you. Look up sabbatical leaves which can be utilized for a mini-retirement.
  • Find how to fill the void created by removing unwanted work or else success would bring misery.


  • Travel dates should be between Tuesday and Thursday
  • Try booking 4-5 days before flight.
  • Use the cheapest departure and return dates.
  • Begin bidding on at 50% of the better of above 2 working up in $50 increments until you get a better price or realize it's not possible.
  • Consider buying a ticket to an international hub and the ongoing ticket through a cheap local airline.


  • Focus on being productive instead of being busy.
  • "Someday" is a disease that will take your dreams to the grave with you.
  • Distress is bad, eustress is good: don’t avoid stress or criticism. Seek helpful stress/criticism.
  • Having an unusually large goal is an adrenaline infusion that provides endurance to overcome trials. Realistic goals are uninspiring.
  • Learn new languages when traveling. Anything can be learned within 6 months.